
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ofqual 'to look closely' at GCSE grade changes

Ofqual 'to look closely' at GCSE grade changes

A pupil sitting a GCSE examHundreds of thousands of pupils found out their GCSE results on Thursday

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The examinations regulator Ofqual is to "look closely" at concerns over grade changes to English GCSEs.
In a letter to the National Association of Head Teachers, regulator Glenys Stacey said there were "questions" over how grade bands were set.
The government is facing a possible legal challenge over grading reforms which appear to have denied thousands in England a C grade in the core exam.
The Department for Education (DfE) said it welcomed Ofqual's decision.
The proportion of GCSEs - taken by pupils in England, Wales and Northern Ireland - awarded an A*-C grade fell for the first time in 24 years when the results were released on Thursday.
Ms Stacey said Ofqual would look at the detail of grade C boundary changes over the coming days, to "ensure confidence is maintained in our examinations system".
'Quickly, but thoroughly'

GCSE results

  • This year's fall in the proportion of GCSEs awarded an A*-C grade was first since the exams introduced 24 years ago
  • Proportion of entries awarded top grades down to 22.4% from 23.2%
  • In GCSE English, 63.9% of entries got at least a grade C, compared to 65.4% last summer
  • Some 15% were awarded an A or A*, down from 16.8% in 2011
The chief regulator added: "We recognise the continuing concerns among students, parents and teachers about this year's GCSE English results.
"We will look closely at how the results were arrived at. We will do this quickly, but thoroughly."
Ms Stacey said she expected to gather evidence over the next week and that Ofqual would then meet awarding bodies to discuss its findings.
Education Secretary Michael Gove has come under increasing pressure from teaching unions who say it is unfair that pupils sitting the exam in June were marked more harshly than pupils who took it in January.
The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) said earlier it was "not afraid" to take legal action against exam boards over the grade boundary reform.
Malcolm Trobe, of the ASCL, which represents most secondary head teachers, said it was gathering information on the situation at schools where there were large numbers of pupils on the boundary between a C and D grade.
"We're examining whether this is hitting any particular groups of young people that are covered by the equal opportunities legislation," he said.
Mr Trobe also called on the education secretary to take "immediate and decisive action".
Education officials at Leeds City Council have announced they are also considering a "legal challenge".

A*-C grade importance

  • This year schools in England have to ensure that 40% of their pupils reach the government benchmark of five A*-C GCSEs, including Maths and English
  • This is tougher than last year's requirement, where schools were expected to ensure 35% of pupils made this grade - 107 schools failed
  • Grades A*-C help pupils secure places in further education
  • Also valued by employers and those offering apprenticeships
A statement on the council's website said: "We do not feel this basic principle of fairness has been adhered to in this case and will be looking with colleagues nationally at the possibility of raising a legal challenge to ensure Ofqual and the government put this right."
The NAHT union is demanding that Education Secretary Michael Gove sets up an independent inquiry into the changes, which educational think tank the Centre for Education and Employment Research says have affected thousands of pupils.
In an earlier statement defending the reforms, the DfE said: "Ofqual is the independent exams regulator. Its job is to make sure that standards are maintained over time and that students receive the grades that they deserve."
"That's why we have strengthened Ofqual's powers to make sure the system is robust and rigorous and to give the public real confidence in the results."

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